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English translation for "电子金融"

electronic banking

Related Translations:
金融创新:  financial innovation
金融消息:  fjamalatidindi
消费金融:  consumer finance
金融投机性:  the characteristic of monetary speculation
金融区:  financial district
金融服务:  financial services
金融业务:  consumer bankingfinancial transactionfinancing
金融结构:  financial structure
金融天地:  finance board
金融杠杆:  financial levermonetary lever
Example Sentences:
1.Mpc considered may half - point rate rise
2.1st meeting of apec working group on electronic financial transactions systems
3.Electronic funds transfer
4.Hong kong and japan to co - chair apec working group on electronic financial transactions
5.He broke an electronic funds - transfer machine at the counter and reached for a scanner gun , said police
6.He reasoned that hangzhou may become a global center of e - commerce while shanghai may stand out as the global capital of e - finance
7.The foreign exchange dealings for individual accounts refers to the firm foreign exchange dealings conducted by the individuals through the service personnel behind the counter or through other electronic banking service methods within the time for dealings set by the bank
8.During the year , lawyers from the ogc participated in meetings and symposia of interest to central bankers and their legal advisers covering matters such as money laundering , electronic financial infrastructure and the legal aspects of currency boards
9.Topics on which the ogc has delivered presentations and speeches both overseas and in hong kong include electronic financial infrastructure ; the licensing and regulation of authorized institutions ; the hkma and banking supervision ; and securitisation and the development of bond markets in asia
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