| 1. | Effect of manganese on the conduction velocity of peripheral nerves in exposed workers 锰接触工人周围神经电生理检查 |
| 2. | A clinical analysis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy diagnosed with nerve electrophysiological examination 经神经电生理检查诊断的糖尿病周围神经病变临床分析 |
| 3. | Clinical observation and fundus angiography with fluorescein and visual electrophysiological examination in stargardt ' s disease 眼底荧光血管造影及视觉电生理检查 |
| 4. | Magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a high intensity area in the right pontine area indicating brain stem hemorrhage 经一系列电生理检查及核磁共振扫描证实为脑干中风。 |
| 5. | Objective : to investigate the value of the electrophysiological examination in diagnosis of brachial plexus injury patients 摘要目的:探讨电生理检查对臂丛神经损伤的诊断价值。 |
| 6. | Psychological status and its influencing factors on patients undergoing electrophysiology studies and radiofrequency catheter ablation 心内电生理检查及射频消融术前后患者心理状况及影响因素分析 |
| 7. | The combining measurement of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness with elcetrophysiological test to detect primary open angle glaucoma 定量测量视网膜神经纤维层厚度联合视觉电生理检查开角型青光眼 |
| 8. | Recovery in those with immediate - onset or complete facial apralysis was poor so that early surgical intervention may be indicated 若为即发性或完全性麻痹者则预后差,需接受电生理检查,以决定是否必要接受手术治疗。 |
| 9. | Twenty cases of tardy ulnar palsy were treated by anterior subcutaneous transposition in the past 6 years at the veterans general hospital - taichung 摘要20例由理学检查及电生理检查均诊断为肘部尺神经病变的病人六年来前后后在本院接受尺神经前方皮下移位术的治疗。 |
| 10. | Our multifocal visual electrophysiology examining system simulates veris system . we have analyzed functions provided by veris system and basic principles of the system . we have divided the system into several modules and then designed each part seperately 本多焦视觉电生理检查系统是在了解veris4 . 0多焦视觉电生理仪所实现的功能的基础上,分析其基本工作原理,重新进行了系统设计。 |