| 1. | A post - colonial study of the bluest eye 神经网络的电阻层析成像算法的研究 |
| 2. | Good software and simulation environment are important to the research and design work of ert system 好的电阻层析成像软件及仿真环境对于成像系统的研究、设计具有十分重要的意义。 |
| 3. | A new high - speed ert experiment system based on the bi - directional current pulse technique is designed and developed . on - line observation is realized for simulating gas / liquid two - phase flow using this experiment system 提出并研制成功了一种新型的基于双极性脉冲电流激励的高速电阻层析成像系统并实现了垂直管道的气液两相流的在线监测。 |
| 4. | The author established the simulation software , made it convenient to set the parameters of the resistance sensor with circular and square pipe , flow pattern , solve the forward problem and reconstruct the image 作者在论文工作中建立了电阻层析成像系统的仿真软件,利用该软件可以方便地设置圆形管道、方形管道电阻传感器的参数以及流型分布,进行电阻层析成像的正问题求解和逆问题图像重建算法的研究。 |
| 5. | In inverse problem of ert , the linear back projection algorithm based on sensitivity field is used to reconstruct the qualitative image . assume that the change of conductance is slight , so the sensitivity can be approximately 在电阻层析成像的成像算法方面,论文中使用了基于敏感场的线性反投影算法,假设电导率分布的变化不是很大,则场内敏感场系数的分布可近似的认为不变,这样就可利用敏感场矩阵直接求取多幅图像。 |
| 6. | ( 4 ) a high - speed communication module for ert was introduced in this system . the advantages of this communication module are rs422 / rs232 compatibility , high band rate of 921 . 6kbps , noise - immunity and low cost . the module was successfully used in electrical resistance tomography 目前国内有文章报导的最高数据采集速度为50幅/秒( 3 )引入了一个适用于电阻层析成像系统的通用高速通讯模块,该模块支持rs422和rs232双协议,最高波特率达到921 . 6kbps ,具有通讯波特率高、抗干扰性能好以及成本低廉等优点。 |
| 7. | Electrical resistance tomography ( ert ) technique , which is based on resistance sensor principle , has the advantages of low - cost , non - intrusive , fast - responding . as a novel measurement technique , ert can play an important role in the on - line parameter measurement of the two - phase flow system 电阻层析成像( electricalresistancetomography ,简称ert )技术是一种基于电阻传感机理的过程层析成像技术,具有成本低、非侵入和响应速度快等优点,是一种可实现两相流参数在线检测的高新技术。 |
| 8. | ( 3 ) an ert experiment system is developed base on the new resistance measuring circuit . this system is entirely designed as a field - bus instrument . instructions are sent from the pc to execute some work such as parameter configuration , fault - checking and data - acquiring ( 2 )基于该新型高速微弱电阻变化测量电路研制了一套完整的电阻层析成像系统,该仪表完全基于工业现场仪表模式设计,上位机通过rs232 rs422总线向下位机发送指令完成故障检测、参数配置、数据采集等各种功能。 |
| 9. | Electrical resistance tomography ( ert ) is one of the firstly developed process tomography systems because of its simple sensor structure , low cost , good security and non - intrusive manner . it is prospective while applied to industries . the research work of ert involves calculation and measurement 电阻层析成像( electricalresistancetomography )系统具有结构简单、价格低廉、安全性好及非侵入测量方式等特点,是最早发展起来的过程层析成像系统之一,具有广阔的工业应用前景。 |