| 1. | A glass - fronted picture window overlooking the landscaped garden and liangma river , lets in the daylight 北京厅的画境窗可以俯瞰饭店花园和亮马河,更有日光射入北京厅 |
| 2. | The surreality of dead vlei ' s parched flat is a magnet for international film crews ; a bottled - water commercial was shot on the pan 放眼望去,焦乾平坦的死谷看似一幅超现实画境,吸引许多国际制片人的目光;有一支矿泉水广告就曾在这洼地拍摄。 |
| 3. | For her resistance in defining the world in front of her , she fears no attempt to change and creates modern tendencies , lei qin brings to us a warm and honest romantic perspective to her paintings 坚持著画眼前看得到的世界,不畏求新求变的现代潮流,雷君带给我们的,是一个温暖诚实的抒情画境。 |
| 4. | They captured the elegance and splendor of the celestial jewelry of their choice in pictures that shone with joy and beauty . this competition was held for children in three school age categories 叁加的小朋友们分成高中低年级三组,依自己对天饰的感受及喜爱,用心描绘出富丽堂皇的天饰图案及美丽又喜悦的画境。 |
| 5. | The second group is chen s pictorial interpretation of ting s classical poems . the third group of paintings represents landscapes and birds in the brush manner of au ho - nien . the fourth group consists of two drawings that display the breathtaking scenery of the hkust campus 其次是以诗为画,根据丁教授的旧诗造一画境;再其次仿欧豪年先生笔意,写山水翎毛;最后有两幅是画科大的美景,其实也是写生。 |
| 6. | The second group is chen s pictorial interpretation of ting s classical poems . the third group of paintings represents landscapes and birds in the brush manner of au ho - nien . the fourth group consists of two drawings that display the breathtaking scenery of the hkust campus 其次是以诗为画,根据丁教授的旧诗造一画境;再其次仿欧豪年先生笔意,写山水翎毛;最后有两幅是画科大的美景,其实也是写生。 |
| 7. | " start writing into pictures " is the main feature of video - audio software , also called " writing among the picturesque scenes " . this is a way of imaginitive thinking that you can consider concrete pictures whlie writing . after the works is finished , the language and image will transmit the content and connotation to the audiences simultaneously “提笔入画”是视听软件写作构思的主要方式,也称为“在画境中写作” ,这是一种边写边考虑具体画面的形象思维方式,作品完成后,语言和形象将同时向观众传达作品的内容和意蕴。 |
| 8. | It points out that the research on art of video - audio language must concern two aspects : one is the fresh era language ; the other is genial mass language . the creators of video - audio software should be good at using the language artistry to express feeling and ideas in the course of thinking for how to use words and phrases 视听软件的创作人员在遣词造句的运思过程中,要善于运用传情达意的语言艺术技巧,不仅要在语境、画境、音效环境中斟酌词义和文意,还要对语音节奏和旋律做通盘考虑。 |