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English translation for ""

[ bā ] 
1.(瘢疮或伤口愈后的痕迹) scar 短语和例子
2.(像疤的痕迹) a scar-like mark 短语和例子

Related Translations:
砂疤:  blister sandsand sticking
明疤:  bank marksbump mark
果疤:  fruit scar
气门疤:  stigmatic cicatricestigmatic cicatrixstigmatic scar
铸疤:  blisterchinking
晶疤:  crystal spots
焊疤:  burrcratercrator
冷疤:  cold shotcold shutcold-shut
涂料疤:  blacking scab
溅疤:  patch scabsplash scale
Example Sentences:
1.The wound healed clean, but it left a little white scar .
2.He has a scar on his chin .
3.Borderline deficiencies often cause small hemorrhagic blemishes .
4.I stared at him. that, then, was the secret of the mustache-grown to cover a scar !
5.The scar cut by the diamond on his white, bald, shining forehead, made a burning red mark .
6.He clambered up by grasping the vines that circled about the tree, using the nodes of the trunk for his footholds .
7.Acid storage tank should also be clustered nearby to minimize sludge and scale formation in long lines .
8.The hands of the old men were gnarled and brown, spotted with sun blotches, and the palms and fingers were deep cut and scarred by the handlines .
9.- marcel says the replacement gave him a scar
10.What ' s this scar ? l cut myself by mistake
-这个是怎么回事? -我不小心割伤了自己
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