During their experiments , they gave itch causing substances to some laboratory mice 在实验中,他们给一些实验大鼠予疥癣生成物质来进行干预。
Then he shall be shaved , but the scale he shall not shave . and the priest shall isolate the one who has the scale seven days more 33那人就要剃去须发,但他不可剃疥癣之处。祭司要将那长疥癣的,再隔离七天。
Then the priest shall look at him ; and if the scale has spread in the skin , the priest need not seek for the yellowish hair ; he is unclean 36祭司就要察看他;疥癣若在皮上发散,祭司就不必找黄毛,那人是不洁净了。
I had to peel them off , and as each scab came off , i did not see pus but instead an animal head , such as a chickens head , a ducks head , a pigs head , a frogs head or a crabs head 当每个疥癣剥落时,并没有流出脓汁,而是出现像鸡鸭猪青蛙螃蟹等动物的头。
It is more common for a pack to make examples of any who wander too near , trusting that fear will keep the apes in the safety of their scablike cities 某组织惩罚几个靠得太近的迷路者来告戒其他人是再正常不过的了,请相信,恐惧是让那些猿猴们呆在他们安全的如疥癣一般的城市里的最好方法。
So he went over to the biscuit tin bob doran left to see if there was anything he could lift on the nod , the old cur after him backing his luck with his mangy snout up 于是,他走到鲍勃多兰留下的饼干罐那儿去,瞧瞧能不能捞到点儿什么。那只老杂种狗为了撞撞运气,抬起生满疥癣的大鼻子跟在后面。
Then one day i had a horrible dream in which my left arm not only ached like my right arm , but even more disgustingly , my arms were covered with many abscesses and scabs 有一天,我做了一个很可怕的梦,梦境中不只我的左臂像右臂一样疼痛,而且更令人作呕的是,我的双臂布满了许多脓疮和疥癣,我必须一个个地把它们抠下来。
A bear - leader , a popular street character of the time , was impressed as an additional ornament , before the cavalcade had gone far down the strand ; and his bear , who was black and very mangy , gave quite an undertaking air to that part of the procession in which he walked 浩浩荡荡的人群走入河滨路不久,一个牵狗熊的也被拉了进来作为点缀那时街面上这种人很引人注意,也很受人欢迎。而那头长满疥癣的一身黑毛的熊走在队伍里也颇有几分沉重哀悼的神气。
So joe starts telling the citizen about the foot and mouth disease and the cattle traders and taking action in the matter and the citizen sending them all to the rightabout and bloom coming out with his sheepdip for the scab and a hoose drench for coughing calves and the guaranteed remedy for timber tongue 于是,乔对“市民”讲起口蹄疫啦,牲畜商啦,对这些采取的措施啦。 “市民”一味唱对台戏。布卢姆也聊起治疥癣用的洗羊液供牛犊子止咳用的线虫灌服药水,以及牛舌炎的特效药。