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[ zhàng ] 
(瘴气) miasma 短语和例子

Related Translations:
瘴疟:  malignant malariamountainous malaria
瘴疠:  malaria; communicable subtropical diseases, such as pernicious malaria, etc
瘴毒:  miasm (miasma)
特瘴:  characteristic manifold
哑瘴风:  lockjaw-aphasia-cyanosis syndrome
瘴毒的:  miasmatic
特瘴数:  characteristic parameter
瘴雨蛮烟:  miasma and smoky mist
锁喉蛇瘴:  laryngeal swelling with miasma
Example Sentences:
1.Academic features of lingnan prescriptions in treating miasma
2.Diseases of the time were mainly spread by water and the major contagious diseases were dysentery and malaria which were prevalent in most areas in the south of china
3.Driving on the yunnan - burma road , everybody must overcome the four dangers of miasmas and pernicious malaria , heavy rain and mud , dangerous road conditions and air raids by japanese planes
在滇缅公路上行丰,人人都必须闯过四道“鬼门关” :疟关、雨水泥泞关、险路和险情关、日机轰炸关。
4.He heard there are some free treatments for the country people in guizhou . but miss the golden opportunity for didnt known the exact time and place . his diseases worsen lately
5.The earliest is an inscription of a poem entitled " poems about azalea in the same rhyme " by zhang jun and liu songgui in a . d . 894 during the tang dynasty . other early works include an inscription of di qing from the song dynasty and a stele inscription entitled " notes on five diseases " by mei zhi , also from the song dynasty
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