[ bǎigǎnjiāojì ] have mixed feelings; a multitude of feelings surge up.; all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart.; be moved by a mixture of feelings; crowd upon one's mind; fill one's mind with a myriad of thoughts; memories crowded on [upon] one's mind.: 我能参加这样的盛会, 真是百感交集, 思绪万千。 that i have been able to attend a grand meeting such as this one, fills my mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas
Example Sentences:
My emotion were mixed as i said good-by to him . 向他告别时,我真有点百感交集。
Her mind was a turmoil of emotions . 她心里百感交集。
The hands received the intelligence with mixed feelings . 大伙儿听到这个消息真是百感交集。
Amidst these thoughts, poor jones passed a long sleepless night . 可怜的琼斯就这样百感交集,辗转难眠。
He was in the midst of a great and mingled emotional experience . 他百感交集,正经历着巨大的感情冲击。
That i have been able to attend a grand meeting such as this one , fills my mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas . 我能参加这样的盛会,真是百感交集,思绪万千。
This singular accident, by a strange confluence of emotions in him, was felt as the sharpest sting of all . 他百感交集,这非同寻常的意外使他的心里感到一种无以复加的剧痛。
Howard hughes must have a lump in his throat 霍华德休斯现在一定是百感交集
The operation worked - and made enormous profits for the people of hong kong 事隔两年,任志刚忆起此事不禁思潮起伏,百感交集。
Looking back , both shared a mixed feeling towards the difficult and exhausting case 对于有机会参与本案调查,他俩异口同声说:真是百感交集!