English translation for "百无聊赖 "
[ bǎiwúliáolài ] the time hangs heavy on one's hands.; bored stiff; bored to death; idle away time aimlessly; overcome with boredom; the day is long to him who knows not how to use it.; thoroughly bored; utterly bored [helpless]; very much bored 短语和例子 在百无聊赖中, 随手抓过一本书来, 读下去。 out of sheer boredom i would pick up a book and read on and on Related Translations:
Example Sentences: 1. He played with his watch-chain wearily . 他百无聊赖 地玩弄着他的表链。 2. She turned on the radio with a futile gesture . 她百无聊赖 地打开了收音机。 3. He pretended to be bored . 他装出一副百无聊赖 的样子。 4. She looked blandly at him . 她百无聊赖 地瞧着他。 5. Till there's a war they are idle good-for-nothing nothing . 战争之前,他们个个百无聊赖 ,游手好闲。 6. He was idly beating the branches as he lounged along . 他一面懒洋洋地走着,一面百无聊赖 地打着那些树枝。 7. Out of sheer boredom i would pick up a book and read on and on . 在百无聊赖 中,随手抓过一本书来,读下去。 8. I felt exhausted and vacant from the constant waste of time . 我由于旷日持久地虚度光明而感到百无聊赖 ,身心虚弱。 9. Bathsheba, being in a negligent mood, leant so idly against the canvas . 心情闲适的巴丝谢芭百无聊赖 地靠在帆布上。 10. I enjoyed the counter-raid so throughly that i came back restless . 我在反攻中感到其乐无穷,回来以后就觉得百无聊赖 了。
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