[中国] hundred days of reform (1898年6月1日戊戌变法由颂布新法到变法失败, 历时一百零三天, 参见“戊戌变法”)
Example Sentences:
The reason that hundred days reform started and ended in an abrupt way and it ' s lesson 论戊戌百日维新忽起忽落的原因及教训
The reform of 1898 stopped by empress dowager achieved only a little , but the “ new politics ” beginning in 1901 greatly changed the traditional customs 1898年的“百日维新”只来得及停留在纸面上,而1901年开始的“新政”却的确开始极大地改变中国的传统习惯。
In the period of " reform for hundred days " , zhang wrote a book named 《 an article for advice to learn > with a great popularity , contend with k angyouwei ^ liangqicao publicly “百日维新”期间,张之洞著成令世人瞩目的《劝学篇》 ,公开与康有为、梁启超抗衡。