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English translation for "皮包骨的"


Related Translations:
皮包骨:  all skin and boneskin and bonesskin AND bones
皮包骨头:  skinny; only skin and bone; a mere bag of bones
主角变得皮包骨:  kvgyzqk = skinny
皮包骨的人:  barebones
皮包骨的小家伙:  a skinny little guy
瘦得皮包骨:  all skin and bonesbe only skin and bonesskin and bone
瘦得皮包骨头:  be only skin and bones
瘦的皮包骨头:  a bag of bones
瘦得皮包骨的:  hide bound
健康永远比皮包骨头:  it is more important to be healthy than bony slim
Example Sentences:
1.Seaton threw up skinny brown hands .
2.The scrawny kitten lingered, brushing itself against our legs, and meowing plaintively .
3.You little punks . . . skinny to the bones . .
4.You little punks . skinny to the bones
5.Corpse a dead body , especially the dead body of a human being
死尸,尤指人的尸体。 walking corpse ,骨瘦如柴的人,皮包骨的人。
6.Avoid applying electrical stimulation on bony prominences , as the superficial soft tissues at these sites can be easily injured by pressure
7.Prometheus had made it so the sacrifice that had the better meat looked 18 ) unappetizing and the sacrifice that had only skin and bones looked 19 ) delicious
8." there ' s nothing sadder to see than a picture of children who are all skin and bones because they live someplace where most people don ' t get enough to eat .
意思是: “当你看到一张照片,上面全是皮包骨的孩子,因为他们生活的地方大多数人都吃不饱,看到这样的照片比什么都令人感到难过。 ”
9." there ' s nothing sadder to see than a picture of children who are all skin and bones because they live someplace where most people don ' t get enough to eat .
这句话的意思是: “当你看到一张照片,上面全是皮包骨的孩子,因为他们生活的地方大多数人都吃不饱,看到这样的照片比什么都令人感到难过。 ”
10.Of all the lemurs , sifakas are perhaps the best known because they can leap fantastic distances in trees but when on the ground jump awkwardly on two legs , their skinny bodies stretched tall as they careen sideways
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