昆虫辨认和益虫推广研究所: insect identification and beneficial insect introduction institute
Example Sentences:
Please say some beneficial insects and pests 请说出一些益虫和害虫,我们应怎样对待它们
Beneficial insects are allowed to flourish to keep pest insects in check 益虫得以繁衍,以遏制害虫的数量。
Which letter is a useful inset 哪个字母是益虫?
" good bugs " , " bad bugs " , it is really a matter of viewpoint 最后,你也许会发现,益虫和害虫不再是绝对,昆虫其实是很可爱的!
So far , fears that genetically modified , pest - resistant crops might kill good insects as well as bad appear unfounded 有人担心,抗虫害的转基因作物不仅将害虫杀死,而且有可能连益虫也一起杀死,但到目前为止,这种担心似乎没有根据。
Research on the insect brain neuropeptides and neuroendocrine system is one of the important fields of modem molecular biology , and is also a frontier field of beneficial insect utilization and biological pesticides development 昆虫脑神经肽和昆虫神经内分泌系统( neuroendocrinesystem )的研究是现代分子生物学的重要领域之一,也是益虫利用、害虫生物防治的前沿研究领域。
Alas , hearing these pests destroyed , of course , beneficial insect is to be retained , but was hit by bees to points of the game , pay close attention to the click of a mouse , it started the game shooting operation : shooting the left mouse button , mouse movement control directions , box bullets jar of honey bees attack 天啊,快把这些害虫消灭掉,当然,益虫是要保留的,打中了蜜蜂可是要扣分的喔,抓紧鼠标,开始射击吧游戏操作:鼠标左键射击,鼠标移动控制方向,空格加子弹,蜜蜂的蜂蜜罐子可以打。