with twisted [coiled] roots and gnarled branches; a complicated affair; a great tangled root system; complicated and difficult to deal with; deeply involved social and political factors; deep-rooted; entangling alliancess with other countries; interwining roots forming an intricate mass; (as) the tree roots are twined together -- a difficult and confused affair; with twisting roots and intercrossing branches
Example Sentences:
Their roots bulked above the ground and the branches were twisted . 地面盘根错节,树身枝干缠绕。
In practice , it is hard to parcel out the blame between technology and globalisation , because the two are so intertwined 实际上,技术进步与全球化究竟孰优孰劣难有定论,因为二者本来就是盘根错节。
I see conundrums , dilemmas , quandaries , impasses , gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out 眼看问题经纬万端,进退两难、陷入困境,死路一条,盘根错节的命定可能性,但找不到明显的出路。
You are working well past midnight , the thesis turned into a maze and you constantly are tom between wanting to find the way out or in 你们工作到三更半夜,盘根错节的论文一再地让你们在找出解决方法还是一头钻进研究之间弄得进退两难。
The differentiation and the amalgamation among the nations made the national culture more complex , inducing the national and religious conflicts which were of long history and hard to be resolved 这种民族文化错综复杂的状态,铸就了南斯拉夫根深蒂固、盘根错节的民族宗教冲突。由此,文明断层带构成南斯拉夫民族问题长期存在的内在文化根源。
Commonly , the legacy system has litter document , the document ca n ' t agree with the original design , the maintenance of the legacy system is called as hell project , but we ca n ' t cast it away because of it ' s useful resources and information 这种既存系统大多是文档不备或不完整、不一致,程序打满补丁;系统越大越藏龙卧虎、盘根错节,其维护再工程越被视为“地狱”工程,但是越弃之不能。
At the other extreme , some writers become bogged down in the bewildering complexity underneath this simple framework : the tangled skein of ethnic rivalries and grudges that have fuelled one of the world ' s longest running civil wars , fought by more than a dozen armed insurgencies around myanmar ' s borders 另一个极端的倾向是,一些作家在这个简单的现状框架下,陷入扑朔迷离的复杂叙述中:盘根错节的种族纷争和推动了世界上最长久内战的愤恨情绪,这次内战涉及猖獗在缅甸边境的超过一打的武装反动势力。
The eighth and largest group , numbering ninety - nine to every one of the others , consisted of people who were eager neither for peace nor for war , neither for offensive operations nor defensive camps , neither at drissa nor anywhere else ; who did not take the side of barclay , nor of the tsar , nor of pfuhl , nor of bennigsen , but cared only for the one thing most essentialtheir own greatest gain and enjoyment 不支持巴克雷皇帝,也不支持普弗尔贝尼格森,他们只谋机一件事,一件非常重要的事,那就是为自己最大的利益和愉快而行动,在那潭浑水里盘根错节,扑朔离迷的阴谋诡计充斥皇帝的行辕,从中可捞到在别的时候意想不到的好处。
It is the implementation of the household contract system that broke the people ' s commune system , promoted rural social progress and development as a whole 。 today , the vitality of household contract system has released completely , and it has gradually become the shackles of productivity and social development . only its overall innovation can be the hope of resolving the three agricultural problems 正是家庭承包制的实施打破了人民公社体制、推动了农村乃至整个社会的进步和发展;今天,家庭承包制的活力已释放殆尽,它已经逐渐变成了生产力和社会发展的桎梏,只有对其进行整体创新,盘根错节的三农难题才有解决的希望。
This paper chose three types : zigui , yunyang and shibao which are included in the head , middle and end of three gorges respectively , expecting to show the whole situation of the migrant township governing institution . by a concrete analysis of the three migrant township construction governing , there is a explanation which the problems such as social , economic , town planning , environment conservation , regional economy and so on , derive from institutional obstruction . the constraint of the institutional factor with objective and subjective reasons in the course of township construction , results in the relative behind economic situation in three gorges " reservoir region 并通过对三地移民城镇建设管理的具体情况分析,解释了在三峡库区的城镇迁建及建设发展中,导致社会、经济、历史、地理、交通、城市规划、环境保护、区域经济等多方面复杂问题盘根错节、一时难以解决的根源是在于经济管理体制的不畅,在这一体制性因素的制约下,加之三峡库区建设发展中的主客观原因,致使三峡库区处于经济相对落后的状态。