Sheep's motion was only revealed by memory, not detected by sight . 至于羊群的活动,可就不是目力所能辨识的了,只能凭记忆去体会。
Joe, with his long sight, signalled several flocks of birds of grey hovering on the horizon . 乔用他的敏锐的目力看到空中有成群的猛禽在翱翔。
They attracted the attention of every bird within eyeshot, every reptile not yet asleep . 它们就把所有目力见得着的鸟儿,和所有还没入蛰的爬虫,都引得注意起来。
He strained his eyes to catch a glimpse of the president 他竭尽目力想看总统一眼。
Jane : hope this site is not too tired on eyes when browsing Jane :希望贵网页让人浏览时了不太费目力。
Cloud : observations of cloud type , amount , and height are made visually 云:云型云量云底高度都以目力观测。
The appreciation is a great knowledge , requiring rich experience , acute and deep perception . because of this , collection of curios is so fascinating 古玩的鉴赏是一门高深的学问,需有丰富的经验、敏锐的悟性、深邃的目力。唯其如此,古玩收藏魅力无穷。
The ways of the lord are past our finding out ! she thought , feeling that in all that was passing now the hand of the almighty , hitherto unseen , was beginning to be manifest 她想,感到在目前已造成的局面中,一只全能的手已从人们先前目力不及之处开始出现。
We had run up the trades to get the wind of the island we were after - i am not allowed to be more plain - and now we were running down for it with a bright look - out day and night 我们赶到了贸易风下,以便乘风抵达我们要去的岛我不能说得更明白了而我们现在正驶向它,由一个目力好的人日夜担任观望。