| 1. | Socialism harmonious society : goal orientation of scientific development conception 科学发展观的目标指向 |
| 2. | When the enemys figures appear in front of you the aim is to point a sight dot and shoot 当敌人出现在您前面,将目标指向敌人小点和射击。 |
| 3. | Nowadays the serving type government is the goal of most countries " administrative reform 服务型政府是现阶段各国行政改革的目标指向。 |
| 4. | Airstrike shook the gaza strip today as israeli warplanes took aim at palestinian militants 加沙走廊今日受到空袭是以色列战斗机将目标指向巴勒斯坦武装力量。 |
| 5. | Objective direction of construction for extensive system rests with - effective development of education system 广延系统构建的目标指向都归因于教育系统的有效发展。 |
| 6. | With an emphasis on such perspectives , we shall pursue a more mature stage of development while maximizing on the potential of tokyo 就此将重点放在这些方面,充分发挥东京潜能的同时,我们将把目标指向更高一层的成熟阶段。 |
| 7. | From the goal , the establisher of policy , the time plan and other perspectives , post - tenure review can be divided into different categories 根据评估的目标指向、政策的制订主体和实施的时间安排等不同的角度,终身教职后评估可分为不同的类型。 |
| 8. | The teaching strategy has many good characters , such as the pertinency , maneuverability , selectivity , processiveness , flexibleness and so on 教学策略具有目标指向性、针对性、可操作性、择优性、过程性、整体综合性、层次性和灵活性等特点。 |
| 9. | The substitution effect will disappear if the foreign money is given for a purpose on which the recipient nation spends nothing ( or less than the grant ) 如果国际援款把援助目标指向那些受助国未列财政开支(或财政开支少于救援款)的项目,这种替代效应就不复存在了。 |
| 10. | It is the active " start " after passive reception of reporting a case , and consider " weather or not to conduct investigation and how to organize investigation " as its real orientation of activities 现场勘查是在被动接报之后的主动“启动” ,是以“是否实施侦查、如何组织侦查”等作为其活动的实质目标指向。 |