| 1. | Stakeholders and report target audience 利益相关人士及目标读者 |
| 2. | Email feedback forms to target audience groups or individuals 向目标读者团体或个别人士发出回馈意见表格 |
| 3. | Arrange meetings or telephone interviews with target audience groups or individuals 安排电话访问或与目标读者团体或个别人士会面 |
| 4. | Incorporate issues that address stakeholder concerns and target audience - expectations 涵盖各利益相关人士关注及目标读者期望的内容 |
| 5. | For distribution of papercopies , determine the number of copies each target audience group will need 如决定派发印刷本,应厘定每个目标读者组别所需的册数 |
| 6. | Section 3 " elements of a well - prepared epr : ii . relevance : 6 . stakeholders and report target audience 第3节妥善策划环保工作报告的必要元素: ii .内容相关性: 6 .利益相关人士及目标读者 |
| 7. | Step - by - step guide section 3 " elements of a well - prepared epr : ii . relevance : 6 . stakeholders and report target audience 程序指引第3节妥善策划环保工作报告的必要元素: ii .内容相关性: 6 .利益相关人士及目标读者 |
| 8. | It is intended for system administrators and designers interested in conducting performance tests in their notes domino 7 environments 目标读者是对在notes domino 7环境中进行效能测试感兴趣的系统管理员和设计师。 |
| 9. | S leading monthly magazine for the automotive service and repair market . service motor - china is unique in china because each issue includes a reader 我们的目标读者是维修厂经理管理人员技术人员汽车维修行业及其相关企业的专业技术人员。 |
| 10. | By conducting a target audience assessment , a reporter can identify the issues of interest and concern to their stakeholders report readers and address these issues in the report 报告撰写者可透过评估目标读者,确认利益相关人士报告读者的兴趣及关注的事项,并且藉著报告回应事项。 |