[ zhíliu ] perfectly straight; straight as a ramrod; bolt upright
Example Sentences:
Nothing would burn like that except clean timber . 除了光滑直溜的劈柴,没有别的东西能这样耐着的。
We went gliding swift along , dead silent , past the tip of the paddlebox , and past the stern ; then in a second or two more we was a hundred yards below the wreck , and the darkness soaked her up , every last sign of her , and we was safe , and knowed it 我们一声不响,飞快地朝前直溜,溜过了外轮盖的尖顶,溜过了船尾,刹那间离破船已有一百码。黑暗把我们吞没了,连最后一点影子也给吞没了。我们安全啦。