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English translation for "相对偏差"

relative deviation
relative divergence

Related Translations:
校正偏差:  corrective activate
相对利益:  relative advantagerelative gain
相对年龄:  relative age
相对生长率:  relative growth ratergr
相对孔径:  aperture ratiorelative aperturerelativeaperture
相对重力:  relative gravity
相对林地:  relative forest landrelative forest soil
相对曲率:  relative curvature
相对参考:  relative reference
相对于:  letter through the postrelative towith respect towithre ectto
Example Sentences:
1.But as some conditions are confined the detecting rsd of the sensor is still not so good . so the sensor is not suit to quantitative analysis at present
但目前由于受一些条件所限,传感器测定的结果,相对偏差( rsd )仍较大,因此传感器目前仍不适用于定量分析。
2.The detection efficiency was also obtained experimentally using radioactive source 60co . it was shown that the calculated values fitted the experimental data very well with the relative deviation less than 5 %
将mc模拟计算的探测效率与实验得到的探测效率进行了比较,两者相对偏差小于5 。
3.Then , based on defining opposite deviation between each element of each s interval numbers decision matrix and corresponding elements of expert ' s interval numbers decision matrix , an analytic method to each s assessment level is given
4.And it is commonly regarded as fault - free when the comparative deviation of component parameters are within 5 % of the nominal value , while in practical operations the allowance range could be set flexibly according to different requirements for the circuit performance
通常认为元件参数的相对偏差绝对值在标称值的5 %范围内为无故障,但实际上元件的容差是可以根据对电路性能的不同要求而灵活设定的。
5.Compared with the classical bp algorithm , robust adaptive bp algorithm possesses some advantages as following : ( 1 ) increasing the accuracy of the network training by means of using both the relative and absolute residual to adjust the weight values ; ( 2 ) improve the robustness and the network convergence rate through combining with the robust statistic technique by way of judging the values of the samples " relative residual to establish the energy function so that can suppress the effect on network training because of the samples with high noise disturbances ; ( 3 ) prevent entrapping into the local minima area and obtain the global optimal result owing to setting the learning rate to be the function of the errors and the error gradients when network is trained . the learning rate of the weights update change with the error values of the network adaptively so that can easily get rid of the disadvantage of the classical bp algorithm that is liable to entrap into the local minima areas
与基本bp算法相比,本文提出的鲁棒自适应bp算法具有以下优点: ( 1 )与鲁棒统计技术相结合,通过训练样本相对偏差的大小,确定不同训练样本对能量函数的贡献,来抑制含高噪声干扰样本对网络训练的不良影响,从而增强训练的鲁棒性,提高网络训练的收敛速度; ( 2 )采用相对偏差和绝对偏差两种偏差形式对权值进行调整,提高了网络的训练精度; ( 3 )在采用梯度下降算法对权值进行调整的基础上,通过将学习速率设为训练误差及误差梯度的特殊函数,使学习速率依赖于网络训练时误差瞬时的变化而自适应的改变,从而可以克服基本bp算法容易陷入局部极小区域的弊端,使训练过程能够很快的“跳出”局部极小区域而达到全局最优。
6.Based on historic radiosonde data of changchun city , jilin province and xian city . shanxi province and on the typical model of profiles of cloud liquid water content for stratiformis , the coefficients of retrieval equation are obtained as the functions of height for each month from april to july in the two cities . furthermore , we explore the internal physics signification of retrieval coefficients ' distributing according to every month and have comparisons between the two cities . then the numerical simulation tests of the accuracy of retrieval results are given : the statistical relative deviation of retrieved values of l to the simulated " trues " on the ground is 15 - 25 % and that at altitude of 6km is 5 - 10 % , that means the retrieval method and implementation of the method are applicable to processing measurements of an airborne radiometer made in china recently
本文介绍机载对空微波辐射计探测云中路径积分液态水含量( l )的辐射传输原理和反演方法;根据吉林省长春市和陕西省西安市的历史探空资料和典型的层状云液水垂直分布模式,得到这两个地区4 - 7月各月的随高度而变的反演公式及其系数的表达式;探索了和反演系数有关系的大气的影响,并在各个月份之间进行了比较分析;给出了反演误差的数值模拟检验结果:在地面反演值对‘真值’的统计相对偏差是15 - 25 ,在6公里高度处为5 - 10 ,表明该方法已具有实用可接受的精度。
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