| 1. | His blue eyes are clear and strong . 他的一对蓝色的眸子晶莹刚毅。 |
| 2. | In her eyes, which were very dark, there was a life . 她那乌黑的眸子闪出的光芒洋溢着一种生命力。 |
| 3. | He saw the girl's wondering look rise in her eyes . 他看到她的眸子里抹上了一层姑娘一般的惊奇神色。 |
| 4. | Her dark eyes were luminous with the feeling that glowed within . 她乌黑的眸子却因心潮起伏而晶莹发亮。 |
| 5. | A tear in the eye of friederike spurred me on to continue . 符瑞德利克眸子里的一滴眼泪,激励我继续说下去。 |
| 6. | The eyes themselves were of that baffling protean gray which is never twice the same . 眸子是变幻莫测的灰色,时时在变化。 |
| 7. | She half turned her face, so that he saw her dark eyes, darker in the night . 她半转过脸,这样,他就能看见她的黑色眸子,在夜色中显得更加深幽。 |
| 8. | He had a craggy face with a rough boiled look about it which emphasized the blueness of his eyes . 他疙疙瘩瘩的脸上老是带着一副愤激的神气,越发衬出一对眸子蓝得惹眼。 |
| 9. | Her dark, close-set eyes, which gave her a fluid and merged gaze, were clearer than he had ever seen them . 她那对靠得很近的乌溜溜的眸子,灵活、迷人,他以前从未见过。 |
| 10. | Suddenly his eye gave a blink, as if it had met something that either dazzled or shocked its pupil . 突然他的眼睛眨巴了一下,仿佛看到了什么撩乱或惊扰他眸子的东西似的。 |