The delawares have given me my name, not so much account of a bold heart, as on account of a quick eye . 特拉华人给了我浑名,并不是因为我大胆勇敢,而是由于我眼尖腿快而起的。
Nay lads , hes more sharp - eyed than you are “不老弟,他比你更眼尖哩。
If you are observant in the fields and woods , you will find many flowers that others fail to notice 如果你在田野或是树林间很眼尖,你会发现到许多别人未能注意到的花朵。
I think with deference be it spoken the contrast could not be much greater between a sleek gander and a fierce falcon : between a meek sheep and the rough - coated keen - eyed dog , its guardian . he had spoken of mr . rochester as an old friend 我想但愿我这么说并无不敬一只光滑的雄鹅和一只凶猛的猎鹰,一头驯服的绵羊和看守着它毛粗眼尖的猎狗之间的反差,也不见得比他们两者之间大。