从半掩的窗帘夹缝中瞥见某人: glimpse someone between the halfdrawn curtainss
我碰巧瞥见舞蹈者在救护车上使自己保持平衡: i glimpsed the dancer balancing herself on the ambulance by chance
从窗口我瞥见一间宽敞但陈设简单的房间: through the window i caught a glimpse of a large but simply furnished room
瞥: 动词(很快地看一下) shoot a glance at; dart a look at 短语和例子对某人投以愤怒的一瞥 dart an angry look at sb.; 《故宫一瞥》 a glimpse of the imperial palace; 他刚要插嘴,妈妈瞥了他一眼。 he was going to butt in when his mother dart