1.(排球的快攻) short, adaptable and fast; rapid spike 2.(技术开发, 投资少, 见效快) research with little investment but quick result ◇短平快球 parallel-short-toss quick spike
From short term rapid results to complex multi dimension projects her approaches are unique in their focus - via finding the gaps and addressing them through a model of education , business and psychology 从短平快的效果到复杂、多维的教练项目,她的方案都是独一无二的:寻找差距并应用教育、企业和心理学模式处理解决这些问题。
Paper light meal box former , paper small dish former , and so on . our company has a strong techincal forces and advanced production equipments . in the great tide of reforming and opening , our company has caught the opportunity , and kept forging ahead and made innovations continually . our stric quality management and perfect after - sale service have been in traveling trader s graces and won high admiration at home and abroad 目前纸杯纸碗纸餐盒餐盒纸碟市场需要量大前景好,是一项短平快投资项目,该项目占地小用电省劳动强度低产量高操作简便,投资省,投资风险小,非常适应家庭投资。
At present , sports marketing is an idea with meaning but without exact definition . some enterprises eager for quick success and isntant benefit have used sport marketing as a fast way of making money similar to sales promotion . therefore , sports marketing does not play an important role for these enterprises . for those enterprises stressing long - term interest , sports marketing is more effective and useful than promotion and advertising 目前体育营销是一个有内涵而无定义的概念,急功近利的企业把体育营销更多地看成是和促销一样的短平快营销手法,而不能正确认识体育营销内涵,因而体育营销对企业并无太多的促进作用;注重长远利益的企业视体育营销是绝对高于促销、广告之上的一种高层次营销手法,尤其是在产品层面和市场层面的营销趋同性越来越严重的时候,体育营销给企业的作用将是多元化、复合型、持久性的。