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English translation for "矿产资源补偿费"

bankruptcy compensation cost
mineral resources compensation fees

Related Translations:
矿产资源:  mineral resources
矿产资源保护:  mineral resources conservation
矿产资源工作组:  working grouon mineral resources
查勘矿产资源:  prospect for mineral deposits
矿产资源部长:  mineral resources ministerminister of mineral resourcessecretary of state for mineral resources
海洋矿产资源:  mineral resources of the seaoceanic mineral resources
全国矿产资源委员会:  national committee on mineral resources
矿产资源储量司:  department of mineral reserves
阿拉伯矿产资源组织:  arab mine natural organization
Example Sentences:
1.Mineral resources compensation fees
2.Provisions on the administration of collection of the mineral resources compensation
3.Some thoughts on mineral resource compensation fee and mineral rights use fee
4.Bankruptcy compensation cost
5.Provisions on the administration of collection of the mineral resources compensation compensation
6.Analysis on collection and administration of compensation for mineral resources in hubei province
7.The significance of ratio of mining recovery and its influences on charge of compensation tax for mineral resources
8.Administrate according to law , standardize managemant and improve the level of collection and management about mineral resources compensation
9.In china , mining enterprises not only should play value - added tax and income tax like the enterprises of other industries , but also must pay the mineral resource tax , mineral right tax and mineral compensation tax
10.Overhead expenses of overhead expenses is to show the enterprise is organization and administrative company production to run all sorts of cost of place happening , include company board of directors and administration department to happen in the management of the enterprise , the company funds that perhaps should consolidate a responsibility by the enterprise ( include wage of administration department worker , repair cost , stock to use up , cost of running stores amortize , office and poor travelling expenses ) , union funds , be out of job membership due of insurance premium , cost of labor security , board of directors ( include directorate member to allowance , conference is expended and differ travelling expenses to wait ) , invite intermediary orgnaization cost , advisory cost ( contain adviser , legal cost , business receives fee , house property duty , car boat royalities , land royalities , stamp duty , the technology transfers cost , mineral products resource compensates cost , intangible assets amortize , the worker teachs funds , consider to be expended with development , blowdown cost , goods in stock dish deficient or investory profit ( do not include to answer plan the loss of goods in stock that enters the defray outside doing business ) , plan the bad zhang preparation that carry and goods in stock cheapen preparation
治理费用治理费用是指企业为组织和治理企业生产经营所发生的各种费用,包括企业董事会和行政治理部门在企业的经营治理中发生的,或者应由企业统一负担的公司经费(包括行政治理部门职工工资,修理费、物料消耗、低值易耗品摊销、办公费和差旅费等) 、工会经费、待业保险费、劳动保险费、董事会会费(包括董事会成员津贴、会议费和差旅费等) 、聘请中介机构费、咨询费(含顾问费) ,诉讼费,业务招待费,房产税,车船使用税,土地使用税,印花税,技术转让费,矿产资源补偿费,无形资产摊销,职工教育经费,研究与开发费,排污费,存货盘亏或盘盈(不包括应计入营业外支出的存货损失) 、计提的坏账预备和存货跌价预备等。
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