destroy the old and establish the new; eradicate the old and foster the new
Example Sentences:
When patterns are broken , new worlds can emerge 打破固定的模式,新世界才能出现。 /破旧立新。
As the western saying goes , " you can t make an omelet without breaking eggs " . we recognize that urban redevelopment is impossible without tearing down buildings and moving people about 正所谓破旧立新,我们明白到居民若不迁出,楼宇若不拆卸,市区重建就无法进行。
The first half of the film appears so boring for me , while the latter part really keeps me fully engaged . is it a good film then ? this film has a pretty original concept 好的地方-这是一出有趣的电影,无论是剧情结构或人物配搭都不乏新奇趣味,足见编导有意破旧立新,为观众带来新颖的观影经验。
The first half of the film appears so boring for me , while the latter part really keeps me fully engaged . is it a good film then ? this film has a pretty original concept 好的地方-这是一出有趣的电影,无论是剧情结构或人物配搭都不乏新奇趣味,足见编导有意破旧立新,为观众带来新颖的观影经验。
But researches on perspective of student still make us fell not enough to develop the new perspective of student on the basis of the old ones , emancipate thought . postmodernism is the new western culture and thought tides in 1950s and 1960s 尽管如此,关于学生观的研究,仍然让人感到有点“隔靴搔痒” 、 “修修补补” ,未能在理论上和实践中起到“破旧立新、解放思想”的作用。
Haojia . tuanliun and green camps , had been out of date and could not develop its function of keeping security and manipulating society . as a result , it was highly necessary to destroy the old and establish the new with the development of the times 清末直隶警政创行的客观背景是由差役、保甲、团练、绿营等构成的旧治安体制落后过时,不能有效地发挥其维持治安、控制社会的应有职能,需要因时而变,破旧立新。
It is essentially redistribution and adjustment in interest . the transitional period in society is a time when the old system would be abolished with a new one established , a time when components of the society would be parted or integrated as time requires , and a time when the social interests are redistributed 社会转型是传统社会向现代社会的过渡,是社会结构和社会运行机制从一种型式向另一种型式的转换,其实质是利益的调整和再分配,社会转型期是社会破旧立新、分化整合的时期,是社会利益重新分配的时期。
For process integration and enterprise integration , we merely get some theoretical results or some total resolution s that must have the enterprises throw their existed systems and legacy systems away . scarcely have good solution to integrate existed information systems and do supply chain management , in the other hand , there are many integration techniques to integrate the enterprise applications in e - commerce environment . but there are no more good solutions to use the suitable integration techniques to do supply chain management for the enterprises , too 对过程集成和企业集成的研究,如:虚拟企业、敏捷供应链及信息管理集成平台等,大都是一些理论成果,或者是一整套“破旧立新”式的解决方案,很少有针对已有坚实的应用信息系统基础的、支持企业应用集成的集成技术成果(如: erp 、 pdm和scm等的集成技术) 。
Looked from one kind of more long term judgment that , the government system must the transformation , only then be able to adapt this kind of request , to meet this kind of challenge , thus can cause the government inevitably metabolism and destroys the old and establishes the new 从一种较为长远的眼光来看,政府系统必须自我变革,才能够适应这种要求、迎接这种挑战,从而必然会导致政府的新陈代谢和破旧立新。在政府与社会的持续互动中政府得以健全自身而不断成长。
If we see it from our perspective in the 21st century , this story may not seem very intricate or appealing , as most of us have already seen too many wuxia movies with a similar plot device before , but try to imagine , this movie was the first of their kind in the 1960s when nobody has handled a wuxia story in this way before , so what hu did was just like the reinvention of the kung fu genre by bruce lee in the 1970s 以今时今日廿一世纪的眼光来看,这样的故事看似比比皆是,没什么大不了,但这是因为我们已经看过太多武侠片。如果你从另外一个角度来看,当年胡金铨在粤语片盛行时代破旧立新,大拍自成一派的江胡武侠奇情故事,实在有如后来李小重整功夫片种一样,震撼程度可想而知。