I tried to spare you. you will do me the justice to admit that . 我原不想跟你破脸,这你也得承认。
She ' ll even see my gross and hideous face 她甚至会看到我这张破脸
It is said that parents and children should not request each other to uphold righteousness , for that would break the natural affection between them 所谓父子之间不责义,就是怕彼此扯破脸,而伤了父慈子孝的天性。
He fitted the book roughly into his inner pocket and , stubbing his toes against the broken commode , hurried out towards the smell , stepping hastily down the stairs with a flurried stork s legs 他把书胡乱塞进内兜,脚趾尖撞在破脸盆架上,朝着那股气味的方向奔出屋子,以慌慌张张的白鹳般的步子,匆忙冲下楼梯。