They arbitrarily apply what they imagine to be an unalterable formula everywhere 他们使用一种自以为不可改变的公式到处硬套。
My assistant , who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment , could not obtain satisfactory results , because he followed them mechanically 虽然我的助手在做试验之前已从头到尾仔细阅读过说明书,但由于他死搬硬套,所以不能得到满意的结果。
Mcgrath argues that web services and many other established xml processing practices revolve around the shoehorning of the data into fashionable programming techniques of the day , introducing unnecessary complexity Mcgrath认为, web服务和建立的其他很多xml处理实践都把数据硬套进了目前流行的编程技术,带来了不必要的复杂性。
The choreography … is the feeblest element in the film , with too much unimaginative " mickey mousing " , matching each note in the score with some movement rather than creating an overall style of dance 舞蹈设计… …是这部影片中最薄弱的环节,因为画面动作和音响配合搞得过了头,又缺乏想像力,与其说是创造一种整体风格的舞蹈,倒不如说是把乐谱中的每个音符都与画面的某个动作硬套在一起。
It has learnt from the romance of the west chamber ( with textual comments by jin shengtan ) in aspects including structure , technique , and language style , some of which , by direct citation or paraphrase , played a certain role in the characters of chinese fiction in korea , albeit with inapt allusions 《广寒楼记》从小说的结构布局、手法和语言风格等方面都从《西厢记》中吸取有益的成分,或直接征引,或化用,对丰富小说人物起了一定的作用,然亦有生搬硬套的毛病。