| 1. | Magnetodynamic resonance ; magnetostrctive ; magnetic ; sensor 磁力共振磁致伸缩磁场传感器 |
| 2. | The application of magnetodynamic resonance in magnetostrictive weak magnetic fiber optic sensor 磁力共振在磁致伸缩光纤磁场传感器中的应用 |
| 3. | To protect magnetic field sensors from intense erosion and high pressure , suitable sealed pressure cases must be designed 其中之一是如何将磁场传感器运抵海底实施测量。 |
| 4. | Considering the magnetic measurement and seafloor operation , the sealed pressure case should be nonmagnetic and transportable 为抵御海水的侵蚀和抗衡海下的环境压力,需要研发装载磁场传感器的密封舱。 |
| 5. | In fact , because of its weak magnetism , the pressure case made by lc4 has distorting effect on frequency responses of the magnetic field sensors sealed in it 因它的弱磁性,使得磁场传感器装入舱体后,整体频率响应发生了部分变异。 |
| 6. | This distorting effect doesn ' t affect the use of the magnetic field sensor , but if we want to eliminate its impact , we should study it through experimental measurements 这种变异虽不影响磁场传感器的使用,但要对其规律特征予以测定,方能剔除由此产生的对磁场测量的不良影响。 |
| 7. | In our experimental tests , we used frequency swept magnetic field as excitation signal , and then measured responses of the magnetic field sensor before and after being loaded in to the sealed pressure case 在所构思的实验装置中,通过人为产生扫频磁场,对密封和非密封条件下的磁场传感器进行激励。 |
| 8. | It is included that the factors which affect the resonance frequency and how to reduce the affection , so that the magnetostrictive weak magnetic fiber optic sensor has a high sensitivity and good stability 给出了影响共振频率的因素及解决频率漂移的办法,从而得到既有很高灵敏度又有很好稳定性的光纤直流弱磁场传感器。 |
| 9. | Ultimately , we obtained normalized abnormal curves for the frequency responses , through which we could reveal hew the sealed pressure case impacts the responses of the magnetic field sensor 在响应输出端,测取幅频特性和相频特性,获得归一化的对比资料和频响异常曲线,从而对密封前后磁场传感器的性能变化有较清楚的认识。 |
| 10. | Fiber optic weak magnetic sensor has high sensitivity , small volume , and can measure magnetic field along three orthogonal directions . it is widely used in national defence , medicine , geology and so on 光纤微弱磁场传感器具有灵敏度高、体积小、可以测量三轴向磁场分量等优点,广泛应用于国防、医学、地质等各个领域。 |