铃: 名1.(金属制成的响器) bell 短语和例子电铃 an electric bell; 警铃 alarm bell; 门铃 door bell2.(铃状物) bell-shaped things 短语和例子哑铃 dumbbell; 杠铃 barbell3.(蕾铃) boll; bud 短语和例子棉铃 cotton boll; 落铃 shedding of cotton bo
迹: 名词1.(留下的印子; 痕迹) mark; trace 短语和例子血迹 bloodstain; 足迹 footmark; footprint; 蛛丝马迹 the gossamer threads of a spider and the trail of a horse; spider's web and horse's footprint2.(前人遗留的建筑或器物等) re