I would have died by inches before i touched a single hair of his head ! 我宁可寸磔而死,也不会碰他一根头发!
The notes of quot; zhe quot; in qin and han dynasties 秦汉磔刑考
But , till then - if you don t believe me , you don t know me - till then , i would have died by inches before i touched a single hair of his head 可是,不到那时候你要是不相信我,那你是不了解我不到那时候,我宁可寸磔而死,也不会碰他一根头发! ”
Basically writing the landscape as the heart dictates and all the things in the painting will be formed as the brush moves . the supple brush adds a certain rhythm to the painting , which can also be very interesting 不过是心随景写,物随笔走,毛笔与铅笔一样,而毛笔富弹性,有波有磔,使线条有起伏,岂不更为美妙?
As these lines are drawn with the supple chinese brush using calligraphy strokes , the lines have a soft feel as well as a rhythmic vigor that is not attainable by the use of pencil , charcoal or other hard instruments . the oldest and the best bai miao is the you su miao or floating gossamer threads by the distinguished artist ku kai chih . he was famous for drawing the outlines of human figure 高古游丝描的顾恺之,他实在是东方绘画中人物画的一种纯以线条白描的高手,其功力丝毫不能取巧,全系真工夫,因须用书法中的篆写的中锋,笔力尤须由始至终一气呵成,不能施波磔于一丝儿的舒张,犹如练武中的扎马步,不能传侧左右。