What i have to go through to become a real live boy 我要经过多少磨折才能变成真正的男孩
And makes us rather beare those illes we have , then flye to others that we know not of 使我们宁愿忍受目前的磨折,不敢向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去?
Facing such a good natured man , i tortured him with the cruelest of my nature , but when he was gone , i actually wished i could get him back and pleaded with him , " i know about my sin , please not give your love to a woman who was unworthy of any genuine love 在一个老实人面前,我已尽自己的残酷天性去磨折他,但当他走后,我真想能抓回他来,只请求他: “我知道自己的罪过,请不要再爱这样一个不配承受那真挚的爱的女人了吧! ”
Who would fardels bear , to grunt and sweat under a weary life , but that the dread of something after death , the undiscover ' d country from whose bourn no traveler returns , puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of 谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下呻吟流汗,倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那从来不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国,是它迷惑了我们的意志,使我们宁愿忍受目前的磨折,不敢向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去?