A good time was segregated from the social forms, the power swappings, the highly elaborated weather talk . 那种社交的礼数、权位的交易、字斟句酌的寒暄,与愉快心情是格格不入的。
He took the back seat of the carriage, after a feeble bow or two, and speech of thanks, polite to the last, and resolute in doing his duty . 他有气无力地鞠了一两个躬,说了许多感谢的话,表现了始终如一的礼数和尽责到底的决心,这才坐上马车的后座。
You need to learn some manners like mike 你得跟麦克学学礼数
And that ' s considered a breach of etiquette . kills the deal 这就违反了礼数,激怒原来的买家使定下的交易夭折
And that ' s considered a breach of etiquette . kills the deal 这就违反了礼数,激怒原来的买家使定下的交易夭折
He can t wear them , buck mulligan told his face in the mirror . etiquette is etiquette “他不能穿, ”勃克穆利根对着镜中自己的脸说, “礼数终归是礼数。
This is our family - tradition way to treat our guest ; please forgive me for causing your inconvenience 这是我们家代代相传的待客礼数,如果造成您的不便还请多多包涵。
Then , touching the shoulder of a townsman who stood next to him , he addressed him , in a formal and courteous manner 随后,他碰了碰旁边站着的一个本镇居民的肩膀,礼数周到地开了腔。
Why , civility demands it , i should suppose i have begged you to do so , and now i will meddle no further since you have secrets from your mother 这是应尽的礼数我求过你了,既然你有事瞒着母亲,我就再不过问你的事了。 ”
At first glance , this clean - cut , well - mannered man appears to be an average knight , but a dark heart dwells within that handsome exterior 乍看上去,这个道貌岸然、礼数周到的男子像是个普通的骑士,但在这英俊的外表下藏着一颗黑暗的心。