| 1. | About annuities you should understand to social insurance device , can take 关于养老金你应该到社会保险机构去了解,是可以取出来的。 |
| 2. | Social insurance device establishs a lifelong and changeless individual account each to join the worker of primary endowment insurance 社会保险机构为参加基本养老保险的职工每人建立一个终身不变的个人帐户。 |
| 3. | About medical treatment cost , if the unit dropped medical treatment insurance , can submit an expense account to social insurance device , can sign up for a part only 关于医疗费,假如单位投了医疗保险,就可以到社会保险机构报销,只能报部分。 |
| 4. | The enterprise has authority to be sure to supervise an orgnaization through local society , requirement society insurance device manages gold of use endowment insurance effectively 企业有权通过当地社会保险监督机构,要求社会保险机构合理有效地治理使用养老保险金。 |
| 5. | Every joins the female worker of birth insurance , the company stops hair salary during maternity leave , send by social insurance device birth allowance and pay birth medical treatment fee 凡参加生育保险的女职工,产假期间企业停发工资,由社会保险机构发给生育津贴和支付生育医疗费用。 |
| 6. | Go bankrupt is those who change the displacement that make sheet to hand in social insurance device to manage medical treatment to expend emeritus , " double pay double protect " how does personnel delimit individual account 破产改制单位移交社会保险机构治理医疗费的退休、 “双缴双保”人员怎样划入个人帐户? |
| 7. | Whereas an employee asks to terminate the labor contract due to occupational disease or becoming disabled because of work the enterprise should pay the social insurance agency the reemployment settlement fee for those who becoming disabled because of work in accordance with the stipulations of the local government 因患职业病或因工致残的职工,若本人要求解除劳动合同,企业应按当地政府规定,向社会保险机构缴纳因工致残就业安置费。 |
| 8. | Social insurance device according to company worker total wages the scale of 0 . 8 % asks for capture to bear insurance premium , birth insurance premium entrusts an enterprise to open an account by social insurance device the bank is withheld for you , turn into social insurance device to be opened in the bank " birth insurance fund only door " , execute only door store , special business accounting , special fund is special 社会保险机构按照企业职工工资总额0 . 8 %的比例征缴生育保险费,生育保险费由社会保险机构委托企业开户银行代为扣缴,并转入社会保险机构在银行开设“生育保险基金专户” ,实行专户储存、专项核算、专款专用。 |
| 9. | The government of china attempts to gradually establish a new type of medical insurance mechanism to coordinate the rights and obligations among medical insurance organizations , medical institutions , units , staff and workers , and to promote reasonable disposal and optimal combination of medical and hygienic resources . the target for the new medical insurance mechanism is to achieve fairly good social benefit at relatively low expense for public medical insurance services 我国政府希望通过逐步建立起新的医疗保险机制,协调社会保险机构、医疗卫生机构、用人单位和劳动者等多方面,界定各自权利和义务,促进医疗卫生资源的合理配置和优化组合,力争在为劳动者提供医疗保险服务的问题上,用较低的社会成本支付,实现较高的社会公共效益。 |
| 10. | Enterprise and worker owe capture , delay pay cost of primary endowment insurance , stop to still did not fill to the end of the current year capture , social insurance device is when circumstance of cost of settle accounts pay , should owe the capital that primary endowment insurance expends capture , delay capture and interest by formulary account 企业和职工欠缴、缓缴基本养老保险费,至本年底止仍未补缴,社会保险机构在结算缴费情况时,应按规定记载欠缴、缓缴基本养老保险费的本金和利息。 |