After enjoying the beauty of the koishikawa korakuen gardens , you will stroll through the quaint area of kagurazaka where you will find stone - paved streets here and there 游玩过小石川后乐园之后,去铺满石板、别有风情的神乐坂散步吧。
Prof . louis ha led our m . a . students to the trappist monastery on lantau island . they have known more about the monastery s architecture and the principles of monasticism 夏其神父带同学前往大屿山圣母神乐院,参观其建筑及了解神父在修院中的隐修生活。
On the tokyo metro tozai line . kagurazaka is a quaint edo - flavored commercial town with a gentle slope lined with many shops , catering establishments and traditional japanese restaurants 沿着平缓的坡道日本式酒家街、商店街、饮食店街聚集在一起, "神乐坂"是充满情趣的江户商店街。
He left the silvermine bay hotel , lantau island at about 8 : 00 am on 24th april 2002 . it is believed that he was intending to walk to the monastery at tai shui hang , near discovery bay 在二零零二年四月二十四日约早上八时独自离开大屿山梅窝银湾酒店,疑步行往愉景湾大水坑熙笃会神乐院,期后失踪者下落不明。
From the pavilion at the peak of finger hill , visitors can have a panoramic view of the island . it is also a good transit point for boat trips to tourist destinations along the lantau island coastline between discovery bay and mui wo , including , particularly , the trappist haven 此外,到愉景湾与梅窝沿岸一带参观的游客,坪洲是乘船的理想中转站;对造访熙笃会神乐院的游人而言,此路线尤为方便。