| 1. | Among them , the most fabulous is the peak of goddess 巫山十二峰数神女峰最为奇绝。 |
| 2. | Snow covering goddess peak of wu mountain 雪后巫山神女峰散文 |
| 3. | Goddess in wushan mountains 巫山神女峰 |
| 4. | Wu gorge , 44 kilometers long , is known for its deep valley and quiet beauty . the " twelve peaks " lining the banks of wu gorge , have been admired by visitors from all over the world 巫峡长44公里,幽深秀丽,巫山十二峰耸立于此峡两岸,其中尤以神女峰最为俊俏,名传遐迩。 |
| 5. | In the dawn pavilion in front of the guesthouse , one may enjoy the beautiful scenery of beginning to believe peak and goddess peak as well as the stalagmite bridge that inspire imagination of various fairy scenes 在北海宾馆前的拂晓亭,可以欣赏到始信峰神女峰和石笋桥等优美风景,令人不禁浮想联篇。 |
| 6. | A spellbinding story of the ancient chinese hero da yu and his mythical lover yao ji , who gave up their love to help the people overcome their agelong flooding problem . a magnificent journey into the heartland of beautiful music 一时无两的优秀创作群,将家传户晓的大禹治水为经,巫山神女峰传奇为辅的神话故事,演绎成凄美动人、荡气回肠、具中国文化特色的传奇歌剧。 |
| 7. | " legend of yao ji " is a spellbinding story of the ancient chinese hero da yu and his mythical lover yao ji , where the folk tale of da yu s conquest of the great flood is interwoven with the legend of the goddess peak 瑶姬传奇讲述仙女瑶姬与凡间男子大禹相恋的中国神话。以上古大禹治水为经,巫山神女峰为纬,交织出一段浪漫的恋爱故事,并穿插海王统一宇宙的野心,组成全剧的矛盾冲突。 |
| 8. | It pierces through the heaven , and towers over the yangtze river . a protruding rock of the peak has the shape of a slim girl shrouded in clouds and mist faintly visible as if clad in fine gauze dress , looking attractive and exuding tenderness and love 神女峰高插云端,下临长江,峰侧有危石,形如亭亭玉立的少女,于云雾缭绕之中,隐隐绰绰,好似披上了一轻轻的薄纱,含情脉脉,妩媚动人。 |
| 9. | " legend of yao ji " is a spellbinding story of the ancient chinese hero da yu and his mythical lover yao ji , where the folk tale of da yu s conquest of the great flood is interwoven with the legend of the goddess peak 《瑶姬传奇》讲述仙女瑶姬与凡间男子大禹相恋的中国神话。以上古大禹治水为经,巫山神女峰为纬,交织出一段浪漫的恋爱故事,并穿插海龙王统一宇宙的野心,组成全剧的矛盾冲突。 |
| 10. | With baidi city , fengjie in the sichuan province to the west end and nanjin pass of yichang in the hubei province at the east , the three gorges , qutang , wu and xiling , total 192 km in length . the qutang gorge , known for its magnificence , is only 8 km long . wu gorge , 44 km long , is famed for its deep valley and quiet beauty 长江三峡西起四川奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌的南津关,全长192公里,它由瞿塘峡巫峡和西陵峡三段组成,瞿塘峡长8公里,以雄伟险陵著称,巫峡长44公里,以幽深秀丽驰名,巫山十二峰中以神女峰最为俏丽,西陵峡长66公里,滩多水急,是著名的险滩。 |