| 1. | Journal of clinical electroneurophysiology 临床神经电生理学杂志 |
| 2. | Study on time dependent changes of nerve electrophysiology induced by allyl chloride in rats 氯丙烯中毒大鼠神经电生理时间效应关系 |
| 3. | A study on event - related potentials of facial emotional recognition in patients with stroke 脑卒中患者面孔表情识别的神经电生理机制 |
| 4. | Electrophysiological assessment of birth - related brachial plexus injures in 39 newborns 39例分娩性臂丛神经损伤新生儿的神经电生理评价 |
| 5. | Analysis of application of intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring to acoustic neuroma operations 听神经瘤术中神经电生理监护的应用分析 |
| 6. | Hypoxia - induced increase in nerve activity of rabbit carotid body mediated by noradrenaline 去甲肾上腺素介导低氧引起家兔颈动脉体神经电活动增加 |
| 7. | Effect of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation and physical therapy on shoulder pain after stroke 经皮神经电刺激结合运动疗法治疗脑卒中后肩痛的疗效观察 |
| 8. | A clinical analysis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy diagnosed with nerve electrophysiological examination 经神经电生理检查诊断的糖尿病周围神经病变临床分析 |
| 9. | From the scn , nerve impulses travel via the pineal nerve ( sympathetic nervous system ) to the pineal gland 神经电脉冲经由松果体神经(交感神经系统)传递到松果体。 |
| 10. | Clinical observation on nuroelectrophysiological changes of diabetic peripheral neuropathy after electroacupuncture treatment 电针治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的神经电生理观察 |