| 1. | The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe 沙漠值得这个神经紧张的仆人观察。 |
| 2. | A person who has been overworking is often nervous 一个工作过度的人常常会神经紧张的。 |
| 3. | The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe 那个沙漠值得神经紧张的雇员们去观察。 |
| 4. | The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe 那个沙漠值得神经紧张的公务员们去观察。 |
| 5. | We tried to assure the nervous old lady that flying was safe 我们尽量使那个神经紧张的老夫人相信乘飞机是安全的。 |
| 6. | He ' s a very tense person 他是个神经紧张的人 |
| 7. | If you sleep curled up you are probably a very nervous person 如果你睡觉时蜷缩着身体,那你可能是一个神经紧张的人。 |
| 8. | A very nervous man , accompanied by his nagging wife , was examined by a doctor 一个神经紧张的男人由爱唠叨的老婆陪着,接受医生的检查。 |
| 9. | There is no law against testing missiles , even far - flying ones intended to rattle nerves around the globe 没有法律禁止导弹试验,即便是那些引起全球神经紧张的远程导弹。 |
| 10. | Whenever the leader made this rattle , the passenger started , as a nervous passenger might , and was disturbed in mind 每当头马这样叮叮当当一摇晃,那旅客便要吓一跳,正如一切神经紧张的旅人一样,总有些心惊胆战。 |