Derek fisher has been a blessing , a god sends at that position 费舍尔是一个福将,是上帝派到这来的。
All i ask is , that villefort will be firm and inflexible for the future in his political principles 这样再好不过了。至少,维尔福将来一定不会再动摇了。
But you needn t be troubled by any responsibility . clifford would have it as his own , he d be glad “但是你不必烦恼要负什么责任的,克利福将接受这个孩子如同已出一般,他一定要高兴的。 ”
Taifu will keep developing good products needed by market and do better in market , we hope to create bright future with users at home and abroad 台福将一如继往地开发拥有良好市场前景的特色产品、做好消费市场的引导工作,把市场做得更成功。台福竭诚欢迎中外客商惠顾、洽谈业务,共同发展,一道创造更加辉煌的明天。
Villefort leaned on the back of an arm - chair , for as the minister of police went on speaking he felt his legs bend under him ; but when he learned that the unknown had escaped the vigilance of the agent who followed him , he breathed again 维尔福将身子靠在了椅背上,因为警务大臣在讲述的时候,他直觉得两腿发软,当他听到那人摆脱了跟踪他的密探的时候,他才松了一口气。
The company has since then been committed to improving the living standard and consuming habits of the consumers worldwide , generating economic development and stimulating consuming demand with its advanced modernized facilities and brand - new retailing concepts 家乐福将其先进的营业设备和全新的零售经营理念引入世界各地,积极改善人们的消费素质和生活水准,刺激消费需求,促进和推动着当地经济的发展。