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English translation for "种痘反应"

vaccination reaction

Related Translations:
种痘:  [免疫学] smallpox vaccination; vaccination; vaccinate 短语和例子种痘预防天花 be vaccinated against smallpox; 这孩子种痘了吗? has the baby been vaccinated?; 种痘针 vaccinostyle
种痘梳:  vaccinating comb dxmv
种痘刀:  inoculation knifevaccinating lancetvaccination knife
种痘者:  vaccinator
种痘针:  vaccine pointvaccinost ivmfek ylehvaccinostyle
种痘疹:  vaccinal eruption
种痘笔:  vaccinating amuabb envaccinating pen
种痘器:  vaccinator
种痘员:  vaccinatorvaccinist
给种痘:  vaccinate
Example Sentences:
1.“ the administration of smallpox accine to this serice member and his subsequent contact with his family are under inestigation by the us military , which will determine whether screening and education practices need to be modified , ” an accompanying editorial notes . “ health - care workers treating patients with e , generalized accinia infection , or progressie accinia infection should follow contact precautions until patients ' scabs hae separated
“美国军方调查研究了对这个现役军人和他家族后来的接触者的牛痘苗的管理,以决定是否要筛查和修改训练实习方案, ”跟踪的社论报道, “健康护理工作者对待牛痘性湿疹、全身性种痘反应或进行性牛痘感染者应该随访给予接触警惕直到患者痂分离。
2.“ the administration of smallpox vaccine to this service member and his subsequent contact with his family are under investigation by the us military , which will determine whether screening and education practices need to be modified , ” an accompanying editorial notes . “ health - care workers treating patients with ev , generalized vaccinia infection , or progressive vaccinia infection should follow contact precautions until patients ' scabs have separated
“美国军方调查研究了对这个现役军人和他家族后来的接触者的牛痘苗的管理,以决定是否要筛查和修改训练实习方案, ”跟踪的社论报道, “健康护理工作者对待牛痘性湿疹、全身性种痘反应或进行性牛痘感染者应该随访给予接触警惕直到患者痂分离。
Similar Words:
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