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English translation for "科技开发有限公司"

music enjoy

Related Translations:
科技:  (科学技术) science and technology◇科技版 science and technology page; 科技创造 scientific and technological creation; 科技成果 scientific and technological achievements; 科技成果商品化 commercial use of scienti
科技开发:  science and technology development
Example Sentences:
1.Nanjing qingze medcial technology development co . ltd
2.Copyright 2002 focus technology nanjing co . , ltd
3.Company hefei talentgroup sci tech development co . , ltd
4.Hefei talentgroup sci tech development co . , ltd
5.Foshan xinglong technology co , ltd
6.Hefei new high area
7.Organic herb inc at ecthai . com - an e - commerce gateway in thailand
长沙艾德利生物科技开发有限公司泰国电子商务途径ecthai . com
8.Foshan xinglong technology co , ltd at ecthai . com - an e - commerce gateway in thailand
佛山市鑫科技开发有限公司泰国电子商务通道ecthai . com
9.Nanjing qingze medcial technology development co . ltd at ecthai . com - an e - commerce gateway in thailand
南京青泽医药科技开发有限公司泰国电子商务通道ecthai . com
10.As a sole american funded enterprise , the clobal ( xuchang ) technology developent co . , inc . is established from the fromer meiju shoe - making group founded in 1954
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