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English translation for "科技强军"

build a strong army through science and technology
strengthen the armed forces through science and technology
strengthen the army by relying on science and technology

Related Translations:
科技:  (科学技术) science and technology◇科技版 science and technology page; 科技创造 scientific and technological creation; 科技成果 scientific and technological achievements; 科技成果商品化 commercial use of scienti
女童军:  girl guides
刘海军:  hai-jun liu
裨军:  tsuginoikusa
军争:  maneuvering
派遣军:  expeditionary forces
军神:  god of war
穆罕默德军:  army of mohamedjaish-e-mohammed
绿林军:  greenwood armylülin
仆从军:  vassal army
Example Sentences:
1.Heighten the real effects of ideological and political work required in strengthening the army through science and technology
2.In response to the trend of military changes in the world , it must carry out the strategy of building a strong army through science and technology and improve its qualities
3.At this special moment in china ' s development , uestc is on the track , making more and more contributions to the development of electronic information , propelling the industry forward and supporting the army with modern science and technology
4.As part of our strategy of using science and technology to build strong armed forces , we will focus on developing new and high technology weaponry and equipment , foster a new type of highly competent military personnel , and promote modernization of our armed forces with it application as the main content and mechanization as the basis in order to enhance our overall defense capability under hi - tech conditions
5.At new stage in the new century , we only depend on strengthening armed forces relying on science and technology , could offer the strong military guarantee for building the well - to - do society in an all - round way , offer military support for reunifying the motherland , advance the overall change of the chinese society
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