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English translation for "科技版"

science and technology page

Related Translations:
安徽科技:  anhui science & technology
科技扶贫:  support poor areas using technologysupport the poor areas with science and technology
体育科技:  sport science and technology
汉民科技:  hermes-epitek
科技含量:  technological contenttechnology contentwissenschaftlich-technischer anteil der produkte
科技文献:  scientific and technical literaturescientific literature
趋势科技:  trend microtrendmicro
科技专长:  technology feats
科技合作:  wissenschaftlich-technische zusammenarbeit (kooperation )
教育科技:  educational technology
Example Sentences:
1.The site lets people send e - mails to themselves and others years in the future . they are technology ' s answer to time capsules , trading on people ' s sense of curiosity and nostalgia
2.Every child that is born into his group will share them with him , and no child born into one on the other side of the globe can ever achive the thousandth part
诞生在这一群人里的每一个小孩与他有着相同的习惯,而生在地球另一边的社团的小孩则决不可能有哪怕很小部分的相象(你用的是安徽科技版吧? )
3.I just mentioned the sources of revenue . this seems a good place to bring to an end my it version part of my budget speech and turn to the question of whether the recurring deficit is a structural problem
4.By sampling survey method , from the aspects of bibliographical availability , the ratio of book forecasting , fields for description , description format , acquisition costs etc . , the paper makes a comparative analysis among the main chinese books acquisition bibliographies , including xinhua book news , cip data , national new books information , and bibliographies compiled by publishers , and hope can provide useful experience information for the selecting of library acquisition bibliography
摘要本文采用抽样调查方法,对新华书目报(社科版与科技版) 、 cip数据、全国新书目和出版社自编书目等国内主要中文图书采访书目,从书目可供性、预告率、图书预告征订的实际可供时间跨度、著录字段、著录格式(排版显示格式) 、采集成本等方面进行比较分析,为落实《图书馆采访工作规范》中的“选择出最适合于本馆使用的书目”提供借鉴。
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