How can i renew a uniform if it is found unfit or has defects 队员如领制服后发觉不称身或有损坏应怎样更换?
Wear light and fit clothing 衣服以轻便称身为佳。
Insiders say the 5ft 5in pop star has gone from 105lb to 120lb in a matter of weeks 圈内人士称身高5英尺5英寸的流行歌星布莱妮在过去的几星期里已从105磅长至了120磅。
However , if it is used , it cannot be renewed and the member should buy a new one at his own cost 如经使用后而没有足够理由解释因何不称身或损坏。是需要申请自资购买。
However , if it is used , it cannot be renewed and the member should buy a new one at his own cost 如经使用后而没有足够理由解释因何不称身或损坏。是需要申请自资购买。
They really fitted him , - it was his first made - to - order suit , - and he seemed slimmer and better modelled 那衣服确实报称身那是他第一套雷体定做的服装他看去似乎更颀长了些,挺拔了些。
In a christmas party , you can find handsome boys wearing well fitted jackets , beautiful girls in pretty gowns , lots of delicious food and a wide variety of drinks 参加派对的男孩都穿上称身外衣,风度翩翩。女孩也穿上漂亮的裙子,婀娜多姿。派对还有种种佳肴和饮料以供选择。
We are on the subject of body weight , you should have heard about the body mass index , which is a numerical value used mainly for statistical purposes 提到体重,大家一定要认识身高体重指数。它又称身体质量指数,英文为body mass index ,简称bmi是一个计算值,主要用于统计用途。