| 1. | Litharge itself has been used as a stabilizer . 一氧化铅本身就可作稳定剂使用。 |
| 2. | Fats without a stabilizer should be used with extreme caution . 需谨慎使用未加稳定剂的脂肪。 |
| 3. | Choice of stabilizer in emulsion systems has always been rather empirical . 在乳液体系中,稳定剂的选择往往凭经验。 |
| 4. | Stabilization can also include the spraying of the soil with liquids or the mixing of materials called stabilizers with it . 稳定法还可包括用液体喷洒土壤或向土内掺混称为稳定剂的物料。 |
| 5. | Kodak company describe the use of a solvent-stabilizer system comprising a class of sterically hindered phenols acting both as coupler solvent and stabilizer . 柯达叙述了一类含有空间位阻酚类作为成色剂和稳定剂。 |
| 6. | Study on solubility stability of cocoa beverage 乳化剂和稳定剂对软冰淇淋品质影响研究 |
| 7. | Galafo croslink - pyrrolidone pvpp for beer applications 用于饮料,啤酒稳定剂的交联pvpp |
| 8. | Zt - 101 is a lauric acid type organic stannumtin stabilizer Zt - 101为月桂酸型有机锡稳定剂。 |
| 9. | Zt - 203 is a maleic acid type organic stannumtin stabilizer Zt - 203为马来酸型有机锡稳定剂。 |
| 10. | Zt - 237 is mereaptan type organic stannumtin heat stabilizer Zt - 237为硫醇型有机锡热稳定剂。 |