| 1. | Relationship between mature spike number of highland barley and climatic factors 高原春青稞株成穗数与气象条件关系 |
| 2. | The number of panicles per unit area was the most important yield components in determining final yield 单位面积小穗数是决定最终产量最重要的产量构成因素。 |
| 3. | The results showed the narrow row spacing can remarkable raise wheat ear numbers and yield 结果表明,相同基本苗情况下,缩小行距放稀株距均能显著提高2个小麦品种的成穗数,增产显著。 |
| 4. | In the paper , the combination among 1000 - grain weight , grain numbers per spike and multispikelet have been discussed 其次,株高与蛋白质含量以及抽穗期与小穗数的正相关关系对选育多小穗和高蛋白质含量有一定的不利影响。 |
| 5. | Four components contribute to rice grain yield including the panicles per unit area , the number of spikelets , the percentage of , and the weight of ripe grains 四个水稻籽粒产量构成因素为单位面积穗数、小穗数、成熟籽粒百分数和成熟籽粒重量。 |
| 6. | Grain yield was standy black soil > aquent > cinnamon > brown soil > fluvo - aquic soil , and the cv of grain yield and spikes were large , grain number and 1000 - grain weight were standy 产量表现为砂姜黑土潮土褐土棕壤河潮土,在不同土壤类型间产量和穗数变异较大,粒数和千粒重相对稳定。 |
| 7. | The order of the seed yield components to its yield is weight per seed > seed numbers per spikelet > florets per spikelet > spikelets per shoot > shoots 6个模型中, 5个种子产量因子每提高1个单位对其种子产量的提高大小排序为单粒种子重每小穗种子粒数每小穗小花数每生殖枝小穗数生殖枝数。 |
| 8. | Wheat yield of pot culture increases with the increasing of application rate of phosphoric fertilizer , and the main factors for yield increasing are of tillering promotion and effective ears bearing 盆栽产量则随施磷量的增加而提高,磷素对产量影响的主要因素是促进苗期分集,提高小麦的有效穗数。 |
| 9. | The positive significant correlations were found between heading date and spikelet number per spike , plant height and protein content , 1000 - grain weight and grain numbers per spike , grain number per spike and grain weight per spike , respectively 结果表明:抽穗期与小穗数、株高与蛋白质含量、千粒重与穗粒重以及穗粒数与穗粒重均呈极显著的正偏相关。 |
| 10. | There was some increase in percentage of dead seedlings and non - earbearing plants and some decrease in 1000 grains weight and grains of single - ear along with the increase of the plant densities , but yields still increased because of the more increase in numbers of available ears 植株密度增加的同时,死株、无穗株百分数会增多,千粒重和单穗籽粒数会降低,但产量会增加,因为增加了有效穗数。 |