The " open field " activity test is frequently used in behavioral pharmacology as well as in studies of brain and behavior 空旷地带活动试验经常被使用在行为药物学方面和在大脑与行为的研究过程中。
Discuss the different meanings the " open field " enclosure used in these tests may have for two different species of your choice 讨论这些你所选择的两个不同物种试验中使用空旷地带圈地可能有的不同涵义。
The railways carriages containing terrorists and hostages were two hundred yards away across an open field . both sides prepared for a long drawn - out battle of nerves 这列载着恐怖分子和人质的火车,停在一个空旷地带对面200码外的地方。双方准备进行长时间的心理战。