The layers of air-fuel mixture next to the metal surfaces are chilled by the cooler metal . 金属表面的空气燃料混合气层为较冷的金属所激冷。
A fresh charge of air-fuel mixture will be drawn into the cylinder as the piston moves down toward . 随着活塞朝下止点的向下运动,一些空气燃料混合气的新鲜充量将被吸入气缸。
Enough air-found mixture can seep around the throttle value and through the idle system to maintain the dieseling . 围绕在节气门处有足够的空气燃料混合气经怠速系统泄漏过来助长了熄不了火现象。
The ford system for air-fuel mixture control is tied in with the thermactor or air-injection system of exhaust emission control . 这种福特系统,空气燃料混合气控制是同空气喷射排气净化系统或有害排放控制的空气喷射系统结合在一起的。