Dsf can also speed test case development , since you aren t forced to learn the ioctl interface for user kernel space communication Dsf还可以加快测试用例的开发,因为您不必去学习用于用户/内核空间通信的输入输出控制接口。
The higher requirement for twt is also being promoted by modern satellite communication , space communication , phase array radar and etc . , from the aspect of smaller size , longer age , higher reliability and so on 现代卫星通信、空间通信、相控阵雷达等技术的发展又从小型化、高寿命、高可靠性等方面对行波管提出了更高的要求。
One of the key technologies of deep space communication is channel code . there are differences between deep space communication and the common space communication . because the former one has some characteristics , such as extending information transmission , and seriously reducing signal energy , it is necessary to ensure the information transmission band and the exactness by using the special means 信道编译码是深空通信中的关键技术之一,深空通信与一般的空间通信不同,深空通信具有信息传输时延大、信号能量衰减严重等特点,必须有特殊的手段保证其信息传输的带宽和准确。
First , the dissertation researches the characteristics of deep space communication and the popular space communication protocol , such as ccsds , omni etc . according to the functions of communication controller for data link layer protocol , it analyses the characteristics of the channel of space communication both in lunar surface and lunar space , and also provides the relevant controlling projects of data link layer protocol 首先,研究了深空通信的特点以及应用较为广泛的空间通信协议,如ccsds 、 omni等空间通信协议族。根据通信控制器对链路层协议进行控制的主要功能,分别分析了月地、月上空间通信的信道特点,进而提出了相应链路协议的控制方案。