| 1. | Spatial disorders are a heterogeneous collection of disorders frequently encountered following brain damage to either hemisphere 摘要脑伤病患常会显现各种空间障碍。 |
| 2. | This review identified several gaps in research on this area that remain to be filled and provided recommendations for further study 本文也阐明空间障碍研究上有待进一步探讨的课题,并提出研究建议。 |
| 3. | Conclusions the results of the study showed that the more familiar the chinese character is , the less image idea for the word 结论视空间障碍不仅影响结构性作业,也影响汉字抄写,这可能与汉字的图形性有关。 |
| 4. | 4 40s - recording function host , visitor and control center , the massage can be read either from the module or telephone . ii . full voice guiding 可预设两组电话,行动电话收讯不良时,会自动留言至语音信箱,无时间空间障碍 |
| 5. | From measunnent of quantity grade in emr under the breaking through the barrier of the container and psi phenomena proved the reality and materiality of psi phenomena and external qi of qigong 从“突破空间障碍”及其他特异现象和伴生的电磁场辐射量级的测得,证明了特异功能现象和气功外气的真实性与物质性。 |
| 6. | With the supports of computer network and information technology , cscd can overcome the obstacles of time and distance and enables attending experts share all the product design informatioa cscd has been one of the most popular fields in product design engineering 协同设计以网络和信息技术为支撑,能够使参与协同设计的专家克服时间和空间障碍实现设计信息共享,是当前工程设计领域的研究热点之一。 |
| 7. | This review began with a theoretical analysis of spatial disorders based on the empirical distinction of the levels at which spatial information is acquired and processed , proceeding from disorders occurring at the stage of spatial exploration to those of spatial perception , spatial cognition and spatial orientation 本文首先介绍空间障碍的分析基础:依空间行为之层级性,由空间探索、空间知觉、空间认知、及空间导向四个层面来分析空间障碍。 |