Rules for the inspection of polyester stitch upright fabric for export 出口涤纶针织立绒检验规程
The products are noted for their soft and feeling , fine lustre , good elasticity and strong performance of keeping warm 主要品种有羊绒大衣呢、兔绒大衣呢、羊驼毛大衣呢、双面呢、顺毛呢、立绒呢、新型粗花呢等。
“ companion ” is a mationally well known brand name for woolen cloth , with capability of manuafacturing 2 , 000 , 000meters a year and utilizes most advanced method of manuafacturing to produce sequential , standing , pane loop style wool yarns that are used as overcoat , colorful sweater , sports wear , with wide variety of style , rich and elegant texture and colors kang ping na is one of the most important and influential company in the county "康平纳”呢绒是国内知名品牌,拥有纺、织、染、整全套先进流水线,年生产能力200万米,可生产顺毛、立绒、方格、圈圈等系列的大衣呢、花呢、超薄休闲呢等,风格多样、肌理丰富、高雅华贵,是国内重点生产高级粗纺呢绒的骨干企业。