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Home > chinese-english > "筑路工人长年奋战在风雪高原" in English

English translation for "筑路工人长年奋战在风雪高原"

the road builders brave the wind and snow on the plateaus all the year round

Related Translations:
奋战:  fight bravely 短语和例子日夜奋战 struggle hard day and night; 浴血奋战 fight a bloody battle; 英勇奋战 fight bravely
长年劳累:  the weight of years and trouble
风雪短大衣:  storm to erstorm topper
筑路:  pave a road; build a road 短语和例子筑路工程正在进行中。 the road construction work is in progress.; 筑路队 road gang; 筑路机 road machine; road scraper; road builder; road grader; 筑路机械 road building machine;
就地取材筑路:  roadbuilding with local materials
筑路大军:  a large contingent of road builders army
筑路器材:  road material
碎石筑路:  macadamization
筑路工程:  road construction work
劈山筑路:  blast cliffs to build highways
Example Sentences:
1.The road builders brave the wind and snow on the plateaus all the year round .
Similar Words:
"筑路队" English translation, "筑路工;铺路机;铺设材料" English translation, "筑路工程" English translation, "筑路工程用车" English translation, "筑路工程正在进行中" English translation, "筑路机" English translation, "筑路机和平路机司机" English translation, "筑路机械" English translation, "筑路机械大修" English translation, "筑路机械全过程管理" English translation